Chabad at Northeastern Programs

At Chabad NEU we have a wide array of great programs to help support our students in every way that we can. In addition to our weekly programs and educational classes we provide many opportunities for our students to get involved with many community service and Tikun Olam events.


Shabbat Dinner

Every Friday we welcome the community to a warm and homey Shabbat dinner. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join! 

Holiday Events

For each of the holidays during the academic year we provide services, holiday meals and the opportunity to celebrate the holiday properly. Some of the holidays are Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim, Passover and more!  

Torah Educational Classes

At Chabad we believe education is the core of growth and success. We have many opportunities for students to join a wide array of classes or to study one-on-one with Rabbi Mendy or Mussy. Some of the classes we provide are Sinai Scholars, Torah Tuesday, Graduate Girls Class, Hebrew Reading, and more!  

Community Events

Community is everything! Enjoy our community events and relax with friends and family. During the year we have many events that are geared towards building community. These events include Monthly Bagel Brunch, Weekly BBQs, Jews Shmooze social events, Ceramics and Succulents, Havdala - Ice Skating and much more! 

Community Service

Giving back is a core value that we try to instill into all our students. Throughout the year we have many events geared towards community service. Some of these events include Hamantash cookie baking for the elderly, Soup distribution for the sick, Hot soup for the Homeless and more!

Please join us for any event you like. If you need any more info on any of our events please email [email protected]